Andrea Mattevi J Ruben Gomez Castellanos and Quoc Thai Nguyen

Meet the Researchers from Pavia

Since autumn 2015, the Biocrystallography Group led by Prof Andrea Mattevi at the University of Pavia has hosted two researchers in the ROBOX – H2020 project, J Rubén Gómez Castellanos and Quoc-Thai Nguyen. Rubén joined Pavia from Mexico City, where he was a project manager in clinical research for Servier Laboratories. He is a graduate…

Holly und Margit at ESIB 2016

ESIB, organized by ACIB in Graz

The European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (ESIB) was organized by ACIB in Graz, from Nov 14-16, 2016 and offered an ideal platform for ROBOX partners to meet, to engage in networking and to disseminate ROBOX results.  Nine of the 19 ROBOX Partners enjoyed this summit with at least one delegate from DSM; Givaudan; Chemstream; C-LeCTA; TUGraz;…

DSM present at EU workshop on KET

Maximising Impact of KET Biotechnology Innovation Action “ROBOX” DSM present at EU workshop on KET Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols by Martin Schürmann / DSM Chemical Technology R&D – Innovative Synthesis Brussels, 15 November 2016      

Kindergarten kids

ACIB presents ROBOX to Kindergarden kids

  On January 26th 2017 a group of 12 children aged 5-6 years old, together with their teachers from “Nanoversity” (TU Graz’s kindergarten), visited ACIB labs in Graz.   (Nanoversity kindergarden has a focus on natural Science and Technology as well as Gender and Diversity The kids were engaged in some simple experiments in the…

Peter Quaedflieg

Peter Quaedflieg joins the DSM ROBOX team

  From 1 January 2017 onwards, our DSM colleague, Peter Quaedflieg, has joined the DSM coordination team and will support Rob Meier and Martin Schürmann on both the ROBOX content as well as project management aspects. Peter (born 1965) studied Chemical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology where in 1988 he obtained his M.Sc. degree.…