ROBOX Fused enzyme paper gets VIP paper on @ChemistryViews

“Design of Artificial Alcohol Oxidases: Alcohol Dehydrogenase–NADPH Oxidase Fusions for Continuous Oxidations” paper by our ROBOX partners at RUG report the creation of the bifunctional fusion enzymes and these were found to be efficient biocatalysts to perform alcohol oxidations, merely requiring a catalytic amount of cofactor and molecular oxygen. By fusing these redox enzymes, the…

Development and scale-up of efficient biocatalytic oxidations using oxygen

See Martin Schürmann from our partner InnoSyn present- at our “Development and scale-up of efficient biocatalytic oxidations using oxygen”H2020 EU New developments in Industrial Biocatalysis demonstration workshop” He will present results of scaled up use of molecular oxygen (from air) the cheapest and most atom efficient oxidant available for the introduction and further oxidation of…


For regular attenders at the large CHAINS meeting (3rd-5th Dec) the ROBOX items will now be noticable. This year University of Maastricht presented their latest results on polymers with novel properties from monomers produced by biocatalysis If you want to find out more about these and other EU funded results about making enzymes available for…