Bioplastics – better products for our future

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural plastics rapidly compostable and biodegradable in the environment. These can replace the petrochemical products that we now use which are degrading our environment because of their persistance and danger to flora and fauna. These PHAs are not new – products based on these were first developed by the UK company ICI…


The ROBOX members are presenting at the following upcoming conferences – c-LEcta GmbH will be at the Gordon Research Conference Biocatalysis and at the EMBO workshop “Enzymes, biocatalysis and chemical biology: At the new frontiers to present on the development of ADH and NOX for robust, selective and efficient oxidation reactions suitable for industrial processes.…

UAB Present ROBOX at Technological Fair

ROBOX at MEMEnginy Technological Fair. The Technological Fair MEMEnginy is organized by the UAB annually with the main aim to promote the contact between academia and companies and to promote the new technologies to build strategic synergies between companies and universities. This fair also has the objective to show future opportunities for students who are…

Cytochrome P450s the key to bee safe pesticides

A paper “Unraveling the Molecular Determinants of Bee Sensitivity to Neonicotinoid Insecticides” describing collaborative work between Exeter University, Rothampstead and Bayer have shown that insecticides with very low impacts on bees is possible. This is due to cytochrome P450s of the CYP9Q subfamily determine bee sensitivity to neonicotinoids. Cytochrome P450s are one of the target…