The ROBOX members are presenting at the following upcoming conferences –
c-LEcta GmbH will be at the Gordon Research Conference Biocatalysis and at the EMBO workshop “Enzymes, biocatalysis and chemical biology: At the new frontiers to present on the development of ADH and NOX for robust, selective and efficient oxidation reactions suitable for industrial processes. Please contact us or c-LEcta if you are interested.
At the Novel Enzymes 2018 conference in October this year there will be 4 speakers from ROBOX (PIs -Turner, Schwaneberg, Panke and Fraaije) and most aspects of ROBOX enzymes will be presented. Novel Enzymes Darmstadt. We also have two of our PIs chairing sessions (Woodley, Gleider) – so contact us or speak to our people there for more information.
UNIMAN will be at 9th International Congress on Biocatalysis Hamburg, Germany presenting on panels of Cytochrome P450 enzymes for drug metabolites.
UAB will present on cyclohexanone monooxygenase at Congress II Jornadas Españolas de Biocatalisis in Oviedo
RWTH will be at the EMBO workshop “Enzymes, biocatalysis and chemical biology: The new frontiers” to present on their 96-multiplex capillary electrophoresis screening platform.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more about any of these technologies.