Medieval Site Hosts Modern Cutting-Edge Science!

The idyllic surroundings of the 14th century Carthusian monastery Certosa di Pontignano, the official conference center of the Universitá degli studi di Siena (Italy), hosted an international Summer School on

Biocatalysis as a Key Enabling Technology

from 3 – 6 October 2017. Chaired by Professor Fessner from the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany), the meeting was organized by CarbaZymes in collaboration with Metafluidics and ROBOX as an all Horizon 2020 funded, coordinated project event. Further participants also attended from current Marie-Curie ITN actions Biocascades, OXYtrain and EScat, as well as from the COST action CM1303 “Systems Biocatalysis”. The aim of the Summer School was to teach modern cutting edge technologies, disseminate conceptual innovations and recent discoveries, and to instruct the next generation of expert scientists in the field of biocatalysis. In total, 60 young researchers working in various laboratories from 16 European countries, of 23 different nationalities and from more than seven EU funded projects attented the School and showcased their own research work by poster contributions and short oral presentations. Twelve expert lecturers from six European countries, both from industry and academia, presented their insight views on important aspects within a compact program, spanning a broad scope of platform technologies from enzyme discovery, enzyme engineering, and synthetic applications, including industrial utilization. Key enabling factors such as perfect weather, Tuscany landscape, Italian food and Chianti wine all helped together to stimulate intense scientific discussions and professional networking. Quite certainly, the event will have a positive impact on the future development of novel biocatalytic processes, towards a sustainable planet and a happier future for humanity!

Here we are, enjoying the blue Tuscany sky while giving it our scientific best:

summer school.

summer school2.