8th OGMBT mtg Sept 16 Graz IMG 0874

Here is Thorsten Bachler from ACIB presenting a poster at the 8th ÖGMBT annual meeting held in Graz, Austria during September 2016. This meeting was attended by approximately 200 delegates active in Life Sciences. Among them were predominantly scientists, students and corporate representatives to share their knowledge and visions in Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics. In lively discussions, new ideas to reach ACIB’s objectives within ROBOX were exchanged.

Acknowledgments: The work has received funding from the European Union (EU) project ROBOX (grant agreement n° 635734) under EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme Research and Innovation actions H2020-LEIT BIO-2014-1.

8th OGMBT mtg Sept 16 Graz IMG 0873